Shawn Mulligan Vice President
Shawn has served on the Sabers Circle Trooper Alumni Leadership Committee since 2019. She has a 26-year-old daughter and is an oncology nurse in Tucson, AZ. She marched in the Trooper Colorguard starting with the Cadets 1975-1976 and then the A Corps 1977-1981. Her dream started at 5 years old when her dad took her and her siblings to the Holiday Inn parking lot in Casper to see the Troopers perform for John Wayne while he was in town filming Hellfighters. She saw those "guns" getting thrown around the Drum Major and couldn't believe her eyes. Fast forward to when Shawn was 12 years old and attended tryouts for the colorguard. There were 100 young adolescent Casper girls in one long line at the Industrial Building trying out for 36 spots. Of anything she has done in her life, nothing matches the confidence she had and how one day she would someday be a Trooper. Shawn treasures the lifelong friendships, the shared loyalty of those before and those after her, and the thump in her heart and lump in her throat when the corps is performing. Shawn gives gratitude ultimately to Jim Jones for teaching her how to be a good human by paying it forward with his dedication to his own dream.