On The Road Again: Forging Multi-generational Relationships
More than shows. More than music. More than scores.
Being involved in drum corps is ultimately about connections.
Whether you marched in 1958 or 1972, in 1987 or 2018, being a member of the Troopers provides a bond with other Troopers of any generation. Troopers all share an affinity for an organization that changed their lives and hold a kinship for an activity they loved.
Troopers alumni are the proud standard bearers of these connections. Fostering these alliances are what the On The Road Again (OTRA) campaign is all about.
On The Road Again is a program run by the Sabers Circle (the leadership council of Troopers Alumni) designed to forge and strengthen connections. This alumni-exclusive opportunity provides a unique way for members of The Long Blue Line to connect with today’s activity, build a relationship with a current Trooper, receive an insider’s perspective on the 2022 season and reconnect with marching music performance.
The 2022 iteration of OTRA is underway. Now through June 12, alumni who donate $75 can go on the road with a current Trooper. Alumni donors will receive one limited edition 2022 "vorAcious" commemorative coin and be partnered with a marching member. Every member partner will receive a special 2022 necklace – a token to remember both their partner and what is sure to be an incredible season. OTRA includes opportunities to exchange contact information or follow along on OTRA-specific social media, allowing alumni partners more possibilities for connection.
“This an opportunity for you, the alumni member, to pay it forward and help ensure that each member of the Troopers will experience the life-changing personal growth that we did. Each member is part of our family, and a member of The Long Blue Line,” said Lee Engle, former marching member, Sabers Circle member and a member of the OTRA committee.
Currently, DCI regulations allow for 165 marching members. OTRA is seeking 165 alumni participants to ensure each member of the 2022 Troopers has a partner. Since kicking off on May 15, OTRA has received 1/3 of the necessary donations. Currently, 2/3 of the talented members who will work hard to bring a world-class performance to life this year do not have an alumni partner.
Move-ins are coming up quickly. History night will soon follow, and that’s the date when members learn their partnerships. It is crucial for alumni to get involved before OTRA’s June 12th deadline. The goal: no 2022 Trooper should be left out!
To get started, alumni can visit: www.troopersalumni.com/ontheroadagain
Through that link, alumni can make a $75 donation. Proceeds from the effort support the operations of the performing corps – from supporting the food truck and medical needs to shoring up operating expenses. A small portion of the funds raised also supports Sabers Circle programs, which connect the generations and support activities of the A corps.
More than just a fundraiser at a time of skyrocketing costs for the corps, OTRA lets alumni participants have a positive impact on a member’s time with the Troopers.
“It was really fun to interact with someone who marched the same instrument back in the 60s that I am currently marching,” said Ryan McAlindin, a 2021 and 2022 marching member. “He told me stories about Troopers’ history and Jim Jones.”
Ryan added: “I hope any alumni capable of doing it will consider becoming an alumni partner.”
The OTRA enrollment period is set to end June 12. Put yourself back on the field vicariously through a current member. Donate today so that every 2022 member has an alumni partner.